Im selling my XJ1100. This bike runs and rides perfect. No concerns at all. Very nice. Had the bike repainted back the original black. Paint finish is like glass. Bike has new tires frt and back. Perfect seat. This bike is super nice. Some of you saw it at Russ79s. I have a Pacifico fairing for it that is in super nice shape too. I will include it in the purchase price if the new owner wants a full fairing. Bike has around 30,000 miles. Im not adding this for effect but the previous owner told me that he had Bob Jones do lots of work on the bike including a upper end job. I cant verify this but it is what I was told. Bigfoot helped me perform a trans repair. We installed another set of trans gears that were absolutely perfect. Bike rides,runs,shifts and looks great. I love this bike but I have too many toys and not enough money. Im asking $1850.00 Feel free to call me with any questions. I dont know how to post pics so give me a e-mail address and I will send them. All stock exhaust,airbox etc. Very nice.