I have this bike for sale. I have no title.
The bike needs tires. The front fork tubes are in bad shape. I rode the bike and it shifts good. The clutch slipped.
I did not do much work to the bike,not wanting to put much time into it without a title.
I bought a new battery. I cleaned the carbs.
If you have any other question give me a call .
Roy 270 970 0771
I want $500.00 for the bike or i will part it out on ebay.
The bike needs tires. The front fork tubes are in bad shape. I rode the bike and it shifts good. The clutch slipped.
I did not do much work to the bike,not wanting to put much time into it without a title.
I bought a new battery. I cleaned the carbs.
If you have any other question give me a call .
Roy 270 970 0771
I want $500.00 for the bike or i will part it out on ebay.