My bike is for sale. It is in great condition except for third gear skipping. It does not skip unless hard on the throttle.
The bike comes with orginal owners manual, service manual, and a few small replacement parts.
I just changed the oil and put in a new battery. It runs great, I just did a 150 mile trip with no issues.
Beside the 3rd gear issue the bike is awesome!
I am asking $1500.
I am located in Albuquerque, New Mexico.
If you have questions email me at nhs1@comcast.net.
My bike is for sale. It is in great condition except for third gear skipping. It does not skip unless hard on the throttle.
The bike comes with orginal owners manual, service manual, and a few small replacement parts.
I just changed the oil and put in a new battery. It runs great, I just did a 150 mile trip with no issues.
Beside the 3rd gear issue the bike is awesome!
I am asking $1500.
I am located in Albuquerque, New Mexico.
If you have questions email me at nhs1@comcast.net.