Well, I finally got together all the parts I need for a headlight, only to realize the mounting bolts are attached to the front reflectors! I've already spent a bit more money than I really wanted to getting a headlight and blinkers, so I figure instead of dropping ANOTHER 25 bucks for two reflectors on Ebay, I'm just going to Lowe's and spend a few dollars on some bolts.
In the meantime, though, if anyone has a set of these lying around they don't need, I'd be more than willing to take them off your hands!
Like I said, this is not something I NEED- more like something that'd be nice to have if I can get them for next to nothing.
PM me if you have something, and thanks.
In the meantime, though, if anyone has a set of these lying around they don't need, I'd be more than willing to take them off your hands!

PM me if you have something, and thanks.