A bit of explanation first. Not too long ago I picked up a 1980 XS1100, Standard (as far as I can tell) off of craigslist. It was a really nice bike, but it was fitted with a front fairing and windshield. I personally much prefer the look of the bike with it off. Only problem now is that I no longer have a front headlight or blinkers! I was hoping somebody here could help me out.
Style isn't a big deal. Basically I'm just looking for a relatively hassle-free bolt on unit that's not that difficult to install.
Now, I'll admit, I know next to nothing when it comes to this bike. I just bought it, and have limited experience with motorcycles in general. I'm probably going to have to end up asking how to install the light after I get it, but that's part of the reason I registered here. Any help would be appreciated.
From what I can tell, the mounting brackets for the light is still attached. If anyone wants photos of the front forks and brackets, feel free to let me know. Thanks in advance for any help I can get.
Style isn't a big deal. Basically I'm just looking for a relatively hassle-free bolt on unit that's not that difficult to install.
Now, I'll admit, I know next to nothing when it comes to this bike. I just bought it, and have limited experience with motorcycles in general. I'm probably going to have to end up asking how to install the light after I get it, but that's part of the reason I registered here. Any help would be appreciated.
From what I can tell, the mounting brackets for the light is still attached. If anyone wants photos of the front forks and brackets, feel free to let me know. Thanks in advance for any help I can get.