I've been reading about XSers trying to measure the tach input voltage and getting strange results. Someone mentioned something that rang a bell, I forget who or what they said but, here is a suggestion.
At 1000 rpm the AC frequency is about 16 hz, way below what most AC voltmeters will respond to properly. Most are designed around 60 hz.
Try running the engine at 3600 rpm, which corresponds to 60 hz and see if the readings are more meaningful.
Anytime AC is being measured, the frequency is a term in the impedance equation that has to be considered.
It's there in DC too, it just happens to be 0.
At 1000 rpm the AC frequency is about 16 hz, way below what most AC voltmeters will respond to properly. Most are designed around 60 hz.
Try running the engine at 3600 rpm, which corresponds to 60 hz and see if the readings are more meaningful.
Anytime AC is being measured, the frequency is a term in the impedance equation that has to be considered.
It's there in DC too, it just happens to be 0.