This bike is a great running bike and is wickedly powerfull. I called it a beast in my last posting because it is just a monster of a bike. It weighs close to 550 lbs without the rider and has over 125 HP. Twist the throttle and say bye-bye to whatever is behind you. It also has amazing braking with disc brakes in the front and rear. A fun bike to ride but NOT for a beginner! Come buy it and ride it home! $1000 firm, I have a nice cover and a bunch of nice parts for it as well as a manual. Its missing the starter button but it starts with a key inserted in the hole just fine. No other problems. Has a new battery, clean title and good tabs till '08 I beleive. 82K but dont be shy. Ask a bike guy and they'll tell you that for this type of big motor, thats not old yet!